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{You Invested In All of Me}

Today you contacted me about a newborn session. You were excited, I could tell you have been planning this session around your perfect gift from God for quite some time. You asked about pricing. I gave you our pricing guide along with the information on how your session would go. Even though it was still six months away, he or she would be here before we knew it. You said that you would consider me and you would be in touch. I knew the pricing was one factor in if you would book or not, I understand that more than anyone. It is an investment as much as it is a luxury. You know that you do not have to book me, but have considered my talent, experience and training.

Two weeks later you contact me and tell me that you would like to go ahead and prebook with us. We are both excited as you tell me that you have found out the sex of your baby and that you can start on the nursery. How amazing is that?! Such a beautiful gift from God, and you are so much in love with this baby aready. I have been there, there's nothing like it. You check in with me from time to time and you start to realize why this is such an investment, and how much work actually goes into one, single, solitary, perfect newborn session. I have designed and sewed a tiny outfit just for your newborn little baby girl, with the colors of her nursery in mind. I carefully picked the lace, buttons and fabric from JoAnne's. I remember that day as I dropped my son off at school and headed there just to do so. I even lost track of time, it was just too fun as it is in my heart to create something perfect and beautiful just for you and your baby.

Your special most memorable day is finally here and you see your perfect baby, a moment you will never forget as long as you live! I can't wait to hear about it, as I have prayed for a safe delivery and healthy child for you. You call me from the hospital and I laugh and tell you that you could have waited until you were settled in at home, but you are so excited, and so am I. I feel like I have known you and your baby for so long already. We book your session when you are home, and talk about colors and ideas that are your favorite. You then tell me to just work my magic and you will be sure to love everything.

The day of your session is finally here. Your session isn't until 10 a.m. but I go in early and spend an hour warming up the studio and setting the scene for the most perfect newborn session that I can dream up. I get out a plethora of hats, tie backs, wraps and outfits. I match it to backdrops, furs and fabrics and props. You arrived in the studio and commented on how beautiful everthing was. The studio is warm and I have included time in your session to nurse your baby to comfort before we begin our session.

Your session lasts about 2 hours, which is typical for any newborn session as I take my time to get those images you have longed for. You nursed the baby two times during the session, once because she got hiccups, and another to get those last images on that last setup. We talk about your delivery and laugh and even tear up about your special day as I reminice about my delivery. We wrap the session up and you thank me for being so patient and gentle and swear I have a magic touch for newborns. I promise you its just the patience and the drive in my heart that wants to give you the session you have longed for for six months that I know of. You fill out a session card and happily hand me your payment and ask for the largest of the packages as you know you cannot choose between all of the images and will want all of them. I appreciate your trust and confidence in our session and I am elated that you are so happy with how the session went. We schedule your gallery session to come back and choose your images and we say goodbye for now. As I put everything in its place and clean up the studio, I hope you are smiling too, and that you get a nap with the baby when you settle back at your home. I get home and lock my camera bag in a fireproof safe and until your images are backed up three different ways, this is where they will stay.

Within the following week I get to post process your images. Smoothing the baby's skin and beautifying each image to my taste and brand, so I can post your preview to social media. After I post those, I blog your session onto our website, branding the images in a special format that I know you wouldn't understand, but you don't have to, that's my job so that you can share these with your family that are waiting to see them. I then make you a video birth announcement so that can be shared, and design your cd cover and send that off to the lab. As your gallery nears, I send you a reminder and we meet so you can pick out your images. You were in love with all of them, which is what I had hoped for. You carefully select them as we talk about how you would like to hang them on your wall. I send your print order off with all of the other orders for the week and contact you when they come in.

Your prints are packaged like a gift and we have scheduled for you to pick them up. As I hand you the ribbon tied package you smile and you open the box and the delightful reaction that you get from holding the images in your hands is what keeps me going to carry the same amazing experience onto the next client. I will probably take your baby's photos for the next year or more. You might even enroll her into my dance classes and your then three year old will come up with their own nickname for me. And I will treat you just like family. Every ounce of what I put into this session was my whole entire heart and soul because I know that this is what God has destined for me to do and I beleive he wanted you and I to meet. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for investing in me... all of me.

Whimsically, Magically & Beautifully Yours,


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